American Contractor's Buying Coop

The ACBC is an entity sponsored by the US Embassy and USAID in Egypt through the Contractor Liaison Office to help full-time USAID contractors import foodstuffs from the US. Semi-annually, ACBC coordinates the purchase and delivery of US foods and grocery items for member USAID contractors here in Egypt.

Jeanne Lewis will take over ACBC after I leave in May. I am still accepting orders and checks (in my name) for the next order.

If you would like to prepare an order, there is a new price list available for download from the ACBC website at the following link: The new price list catalog contains 3 sheets; GROCERIES, NABISCO & FRITO LAY, but we can only order from Frito Lay if we can guarantee a minimum order of 300 boxes - we have never been close to this, so I don't expect to be able to this time.

Please use the new price lists! I NOW HAVE A NEW H&B LIST FOR 2005!, which can be downloaded with the other files below.

New NOV. 2004 instructions for "Personal Shipments"Click heading to access!
Please remember that personal shipments are at senders own risk. ACBC cannot accept liability for lost shipments.

If you have items which you would like to advertise, send me a list by e-mail.

Andy Goddard has moved to 42b Road 18, Flat 6, Maadi.          New Phone # 753-0198

Click here to download 2005 Price Lists and Order Form

Right click the above link and choose "Save Target as.."

The files are compressed into a "Zip" file which you will need to unzip!

Contact me if you have problems!

Annual Enrollment Required Information

Membership Application Letter of Eligibility Copy of Passport US check for $25

Application & Letter are required each year to ensure ACBC has the most current information

  General Information Important Dates Approximate dates!
  Become a Member Enroll & Orders due April 29th 2005
  Membership Application:
Print or Online
Ship date Early Aug 2005
  Letter of Eligibility Arrival date Sept. 2005
  Member Notices
last notice:4/29/2001
Est. Delivery Mid Sept.. 2005
  Contact Information
 Maps: 4Winds Warehouse  / ACBC

  May 2005 Price Lists and Order Form: 
 Excel files in "Zipped" format
     Right button click, then choose Save Target As...

FULL sized files in Excel format (long download times!) Groceries, Health & Beauty, Order Form

Personal Shipments Sending Start Date

Cutoff Delivery Date




  USAID Contractor's Net


Last updated: 18th. APRIL, 2005