Duty Free Import
Full Compliance Agreement

  • I am a member of the American Contractor's Buying Cooperative (ACBC) and agree to all conditions of membership in that cooperative.
  • I acknowledge that I am a full time employee on a USAID sponsored project.
  • I acknowledge that per my contract on a USAID sponsored project, I am eligible for duty free privileges contained in Article (B) of the Economic, Technical, and Related Assistance Agreement between the governments of Egypt and the United States of America, Presidential Decree 458 of 1978.
  • I agree that all items imported, on my behalf, through ACBC shipments are for personal use ONLY. I further agree that no item imported in my name through ACBC is in behalf of anyone other than myself and family.
  • I understand that failure to adhere to this policy will result in immediate termination of my ACBC membership and subject me to legal penalties as deemed appropriate by USAID.
  • I accept all risk associated with importing items through ACBC and free ACBC and Agritech Product International, Inc. from all liability for damages resulting from the importation of items. (ACBC will insure all items from loss during sea transport with Cargo Insurance through the International Marine Underwriters for the value of the items based on the valuation submitted by the owner.)
  • I will assume all costs associated with importing the items as determined by ACBC in the Non-Food Overhead Schedule.
  • I understand that ACBC can and will retain possession of all items until all costs have been paid. If I fail to pay the stipulated costs within two (2) months of the items' arrival in Cairo, I authorize ACBC to dispose of the items as they see fit with no compensation for the items.
  • Items to Import:

         Description Est. Value
    1. _____________________________________ ____________
    2. _____________________________________ ____________
    3. _____________________________________ ____________
    4. _____________________________________ ____________
    5. _____________________________________ ____________
    6. _____________________________________ ____________

    ________ __________________________________ _____________
    Member#Signature Date