ACBC members:

I have received word that the containers are in Alexandria and will likely be cleared today (Sept 11). What this means for me and you is that they will be unloaded tomorrow (Sept 12) and at the 4-Winds warehouse and available for your review starting Wednesday morning.

I will have available at the warehouse a copy of your original order and a copy of the Agritech order to use in your review. Once you have reviewed your order, the 4-winds crew will help load it in your personal vehicle or will schedule with you for delivery to your home.

I will advise you via email of any last minute changes.

Also, some of you are wondering when you can begin to send personal packages for the next shipment. Agritech has asked that NO packages be sent earlier than five weeks before shipping time. I will notify you when that period begins and ends as we approach the next shipment.


Ken Sanders-Smith
