Dear USAID Contractors:

The next ACBC food order is getting underway. All contractors who wish to participate must apply for or renew ACBC membership. Following is all the information you need to get started.

April 31, 2000 Membership applications & documents accepted and catalogs available
June 1, 2000 Last day to turn in application & documents, food orders and payment
August 14, 2000 Estimated container arrival date
August 19-21, 2000 Estimated delivery dates

We will use the same catalogs that were used last shipment. There should be little or no change to prices. An additional Health & Beauty Aid catalog will be sent separately as soon as it is received from Agritech. The file used for submitting the order will be the same as last order. If you need a catalog, please let me know via email so I can have enough copies available. The Agritech Order Form file is downloadable from the website if you don't have it Excel95 or Excel97(just click with the right mouse button and choose "Download Target As..."). The only difference is that the order limit is being raised from $1500 to $2000, before overhead. Please check out the information on non-food imports below.

Please refer to the website for current information or if you feel you might have missed something. Below are the details that you need to know before submitting your order. Please let me know if I've forgotten something or you have any question.

This is a long note with much information that is repetitive for renewing members. Therefore I will include an index here at the beginning identifying those items with new and important information.

***The remaining portion of this notice is found here.